Our Attorneys

Christian Gonzalez Chacon

Christian Gonzalez Chacon, Of Counsel, specializes in international human rights law. He brings to the firm more than a decade of experience as a human rights advocate, having worked with prominent international human rights organizations and tribunals.

For over eight years, Christian served as a Senior Counsel at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, handling a diverse range of cases spanning administrative and criminal due process, enforced disappearances, death penalty, freedom of expression, judicial and prosecutorial independence, and discrimination issues within the Americas.

He successfully represented the IACHR in more than two dozen hearings before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, where he played a pivotal role in securing landmark judgments for the IACHR and representatives of victims.

During his career, he gained valuable experience by interning at the Center for Justice and International Law. Additionally, he served as a visiting professional at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Human Rights Committee, and the International Criminal Court.

Christian is fluent in Spanish and English.


LL. B, Rafael Landivar University (magna cum laude)

LL.M in international human rights law, Notre Dame Law School (magna cum laude)

M.A. in legal philosophy, University of Alicante

S.JD., Georgetown University Law Center

Selected Publications

Plots Against President-Elect Marks Dark Turn in Guatemala’s Bitter ElectionInSight Crime, Aug. 25, 2023 (Christian quoted).

Abogados ven riesgos en argumento de juez que autorizó pesquisa contra periodistasLa Hora, Mar. 2, 2023 (Christian quoted).

Caso José Rubén Zamora: la estrategia del gobierno guatemalteco para silenciar a la prensa, analizan voces expertasLatAm Journalism Review, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, April 5, 2023 (Christian Quoted).

Un juez y el fiscal que investiga a opositores vuelven a la carga contra la candidatura progresista en Guatemala |EL PAÍS (elpais.com), July 19, 2023 (Christian quoted). 

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